Protein Secondary Structure

Proteins' secondary structure determines structural states of local segments of amino acid residues in the protein. The alpha-helix state for instance forms a The secondary structure of the protein is interesting because it, as mentioned in the introduction, reveals important chemical properties of the...What is the secondary structure of a protein? What is tertiary for that matter? This hub answers these questions and more. This is not the end of protein structuring, however. This structure is extremely important - in the case of enzymes, any change to the shape of the molecule will deactivate the...Biochemistry Questions and Answers - Protein Secondary Structure. 2. Which of the following is not true about secondary protein structure? a) The hydrophilic/hydrophobic character of amino In secondary structure, it is the steric size of the residues that is important and residues are positioned...Protein secondary structure is the three dimensional form of local segments of proteins. The two most common secondary structural elements are alpha helices and beta sheets, though beta turns and omega loops occur as well....protein. b.Protein secondary structural elements include alpha helixes, beta-turns and beta-sheets. c.Loops and coils are not classified as secondary structural of the above are true. e.Only a and c are truef.Only a and b are true29. Name the beta strand sequence below that would most likely be...

What Are Proteins? Primary, Secondary, Tertiary, and... - Owlcation

Protein Secondary Structure. Secondary structures possess regularities in various geometric parameters like Cα distances, dihedral Define Secondary Structure of Proteins (DSSP) is the standard tool for the annotation of secondary structure elements from protein structures (Kabsch...Transcribed Image Text from this Question. Select the true statements about protein secondary structure. The secondary level of protein structure refers to the spatial arrangements of short segments of the protein.The secondary structure or secondary level of organization has been defined as the conformation present in a local region of the polypeptide or protein, stabilized through hydrogen bonds between the elements of the peptide bond. The organized secondary structures are maintained by Hydrogen...SECONDARY STRUCTURE is the arrangement of hydrogen bonds between the peptide nitrogens and the peptide carbonyl oxygens of different amino acid LEFT-HANDED HELICAL STRANDS are wound into a supercoiled triple helix in collagen. The major structural protein in the body, collagen makes...

What Are Proteins? Primary, Secondary, Tertiary, and... - Owlcation

Protein Secondary Structure - Biochemistry Questions... - Sanfoundry

chapter the structure of proteins multiple choice questions overview of protein structure pages: difficulty: ans: all of the following are considered.Lecture 1: Secondary structure of Proteins. Biophysical Methods home page. The structure of myoglobin; the ribbon represents the path of Proteins become denatured at elevated temperature or in the presence of disruptive solvents. Because there is no orderly arrangement, denatured protein is...Protein Secondary Structure Prediction. Edit Task. Medical. LucaAngioloni-WindowCNN. Protein secondary structure prediction using deep convolutional neural fields. See all. Jpred4 blind set.That may be the case for secondary structures of proteins, but only in the case where the said proteins have been crystalized. If there was a database of predicted secondary structures, people would likely take them for granted (make the equation prediction = fact) which would be quite...If protein secondary structure is on your syllabus, your examiners are most likely only to want you to know how the structures are held The model shows the alpha-helices in the secondary structure as coils of "ribbon". The beta-pleated sheets are shown as flat bits of ribbon ending in an arrow head.

Secondary Structure of Proteins

The secondary constitution of proteins is the hydrogen-bonded association of the backbone of the protein, the polypeptide chain. The nature of the bonds in the peptide spine plays the most important position right here. Within each amino acid residue are two bonds with relatively free rotation: (1) the bond between the α-carbon and the amino nitrogen of that residue and (2) the bond between the α-carbon and the carboxyl carbon of that residue. The combination of the planar peptide team and the two freely rotating bonds has necessary implications for the three-dimensional conformations of peptides and proteins. A peptide-chain backbone can also be visualized as a series of playing cards, every card representing a planar peptide group. The cards are connected at opposite corners by means of swivels, representing the bonds about which there is substantial freedom of rotation (Figure 4.1). 

The facet chains additionally play an important function in determining the third-dimensional shape of a protein, but only the backbone is regarded as in the secondary constitution. The angles Φ (phi) and Ψ (psi), often referred to as Ramachandran angles (after their originator, G. N. Ramachandran), are used to designate rotations round the C-N and C-C bonds, respectively. The conformation of a protein spine may also be described via specifying the values of Φ and Ψ for every residue (–180° to 180°). Two kinds of secondary structures that occur ceaselessly in proteins are the repeating α-helix and β-pleated sheet (or β-sheet) hydrogen-bonded constructions. The Φ and Ψ angles repeat themselvesin contiguous amino acids in common secondary buildings. The α-helix and β-pleated sheet don't seem to be the simplest imaginable secondary constructions, however they're by means of a ways the most important and deserve a closer look.

Periodic Structures in Protein Backbones

The α-helix and β-pleated sheet are periodic constructions; their features repeat at regular periods. The α-helix is rodlike and comes to just one polypeptide chain. The β-pleated sheet structure can provide a two-dimensional array and will involve one or more polypeptide chains.

Why is the A-helix so prevalent?

The α-helix is stabilized via hydrogen bonds parallel to the helix axis inside of the spine of a unmarried polypeptide chain. Counting from the N-terminal finish, the C-O staff of each amino acid residue is hydrogen bonded to the N-H workforce of the amino acid 4 residues clear of it in the covalently bonded collection. The helical conformation lets in a linear association of the atoms inquisitive about the hydrogen bonds, which supplies the bonds most energy and thus makes the helical conformation very stable. There are 3.6 residues for each and every turn of the helix, and the pitch of the helix (the linear distance between corresponding points on successive turns) is 5.Four Å (Figure 4.2).

The angstrom unit, 1 Å 5 10–Eight cm Five 10–10 m, is convenient for inter-atomic distances in molecules, but it is not a Système International (SI) unit. Nanometers (1 nm Five 10–9 m) and picometers (1 pm Five 10–12 m) are the SI units used for interatomic distances. In SI units, the pitch of the α-helix is 0.54 nm or 540 pm. Figure 4.3 shows the buildings of 2 proteins with a prime degree of α-helical content.

Proteins have varying quantities of α-helical buildings, varying from a few % to just about 100%. Several factors can disrupt the α-helix. The amino acid proline creates a bend in the backbone as a result of its cyclic constitution. It can not have compatibility into the α-helix because (1) rotation around the bond between the nitrogen and the α-carbon is seriously restricted, and (2) proline's α-amino staff can't take part in intrachain hydrogen bonding. Other localized components involving the aspect chains come with sturdy electrostatic repulsion owing to the proximity of a number of charged teams of the same sign, such as groups of definitely charged lysine and arginine residues or teams of negatively charged glutamate and aspartate residues. Another risk is crowding (steric repulsion) caused via the proximity of several bulky side chains. In the α-helical conformation, all the side chains lie out of doors the helix; there isn't sufficient room for them in the inside. The α-carbon is simply outdoor the helix, and crowding can occur whether it is bonded to two atoms rather then hydrogen, as is the case with valine, isoleucine, and threonine.

How is the B-sheet other from the A-helix?

The association of atoms in the β-pleated sheet conformation differs markedly from that in the α-helix. The peptide backbone in the β-sheet is almost totally extended. Hydrogen bonds can be formed between different parts of a unmarried chain this is doubled again on itself (intrachain bonds) or between different chains (interchain bonds). If the peptide chains run in the identical route (i.e., if they are all aligned in terms of their N-terminal and C-terminal ends), a parallel pleated sheet is formed. 

When alternating chains run in opposite instructions, an antiparallel pleated sheet is formed (Figure 4.4). The hydrogen bonding between peptide chains in the β-pleated sheet provides rise to a repeated zigzag constitution; hence, the name "pleated sheet" (Figure 4.5). Note that the hydrogen bonds are perpendicular to the path of the protein chain, no longer parallel to it as in the α-helix.

Irregularities in Regular Structures

Other helical structures are found in proteins. These are continuously present in shorter stretches than with the α-helix, and so they occasionally get a divorce the common nature of the α-helix. The maximum common is the 310 helix, which has 3 residues in step with turn and 10 atoms in the ring formed by way of making the hydrogen bond. Other not unusual helices are designated 27 and 4.416, following the same nomenclature as the 310 helix.

A β-bulge is a commonplace nonrepetitive irregularity present in antiparallel β-sheets. It occurs between two standard β-structure hydrogen bonds and involves two residues on one strand and one on the other. Figure 4.6 displays typical β-bulges.

Protein folding calls for that the peptide backbones and the secondary buildings be capable to change directions. Often a opposite flip marks a transition between one secondary structure and another. For steric (spatial) reasons, gly-cine is steadily encountered in opposite turns, at which the polypeptide chain adjustments route; the unmarried hydrogen of the aspect chain prevents crowding (Figures 4.7a and four.7b). Because the cyclic constitution of proline has the correct geometry for a reverse flip, this amino acid could also be continuously encountered in such turns (Figure 4.7c).

Supersecondary Structures and Domains

The α-helix, β-pleated sheet, and other secondary buildings are blended in some ways as the polypeptide chain folds again on itself in a protein. The mixture of α- and β-strands produces more than a few kinds of supersecondary constructions in proteins. The maximum commonplace characteristic of this sort is the bab unit, through which two parallel strands of β-sheet are attached via a stretch of α-helix (Figure 4.8a). An aa unit (helix-turn-helix) is composed of 2 antiparallel α-helices (Figure 4.8b). In such an association, energetically favorable contacts exist between the side chains in the two stretches of helix. In a β-meander, an antiparallel sheet is shaped via a chain of tight reverse turns connecting stretches of the polypeptide chain (Figure 4.8c). Another more or less antiparallel sheet is shaped when the polypeptide chain doubles again on itself in a trend referred to as the Greek key, named for a decorative design discovered on pottery from the classicalperiod (Figure 4.8e). A motif is a repetitive supersecondary structure. Some of the common smaller motifs are proven in Figure 4.9. These smaller motifs can ceaselessly be repeated and arranged into larger motifs. Protein sequences that let for a β-meander or Greek key can continuously be found arranged into a β-barrel in the tertiary structure of the protein (Figure 4.10). Motifs are essential and tell us a lot about the folding of proteins. However, these motifs don't allow us to are expecting the rest about the biological serve as of the protein as a result of they're present in proteins and enzymes with very dissimilar functions.

Many proteins that have the similar form of function have similar protein sequences; consequently, domains with equivalent conformations are associated with the particular function. Many sorts of domain names were recognized, including three different types of domains by which proteins bind to DNA. In addition, short polypeptide sequences within a protein direct the posttransla-tional amendment and subcellular localization. For instance, several sequences play a task in the formation of glycoproteins (ones that comprise sugars in addi-tion to the polypeptide chain). Other particular sequences indicate that a protein is to be sure to a membrane or secreted from the cell. Still other particular sequences mark a protein for phosphorylation through a particular enzyme.

The Collagen Triple Helix

Collagen, a component of bone and connective tissue, is the most ample protein in vertebrates. It is organized in water-insoluble fibers of significant strength.

A collagen fiber is composed of three polypeptide chains wrapped around each and every other in a ropelike twist, or triple helix. Each of the 3 chains has, inside limits, a repeating sequence of 3 amino acid residues, X-Pro-Gly or X-Hyp-Gly, where Hyp stands for hydroxyproline, and any amino acid can occupy the first place, designated by way of X.

Proline and hydroxyproline can represent as much as 30% of the residues in collagen. Hydroxyproline is formed from proline by means of a particular hydroxylating enzyme after the amino acids are related in combination. Hydroxylysine additionally occurs in collagen. In the amino acid series of collagen, every 3rd place will have to be occupied by means of glycine. The triple helix is organized so that each 3rd residue on each chain is inside of the helix. Only glycine is small enough to fit into the house available (Figure 4.11).

The 3 individual collagen chains are themselves helices that vary from the α-helix. They are twisted round each other in a superhelical arrangement toform a stiff rod. This triple helical molecule is known as tropocollagen; it is 300 nm (3000 Å) long and 1.5 nm (15 Å) in diameter. The 3 strands are held in combination by means of hydrogen bonds involving the hydroxyproline and hydroxylysine residues. 

The molecular weight of the triple-stranded array is about 300,000; each strand incorporates about 800 amino acid residues. Collagen is both intramolecularly and intermolecularly connected via covalent bonds shaped by means of reactions of lysine and histidine residues. The amount of cross-linking in a tissue will increase with age. That is why meat from older animals is tougher than meat from younger animals.

Collagen in which the proline is not hydroxylated to hydroxyproline to the standard extent is much less strong than standard collagen. Symptoms of scurvy, corresponding to bleeding gums and skin discoloration, are the result of fragile collagen. The enzyme that hydroxylates proline and thus maintains the customary state of col-lagen calls for ascorbic acid (nutrition C) to stay energetic. Scurvy is in the long run brought about via a nutritional deficiency of vitamin C.

Two Types of Protein Conformations: Fibrous and Globular

It is difficult to attract a clear separation between secondary and tertiary structures. The nature of the side chains in a protein (a part of the tertiary structure) can affect the folding of the spine (the secondary structure). Comparing collagen with silk and wool fibers may also be illuminating. Silk fibers consist largely of the protein fibroin, which, like collagen, has a fibrous constitution, but which, in contrast to collagen, is composed largely of β-sheets. Fibers of wool consist largely of the protein keratin, which is largely α-helical. The amino acids of which collagen, fibroin, and keratin are composed determine which conformation they will undertake, but all are fibrous proteins (Figure 4.12a).

In other proteins, the spine folds back on itself to produce a more or less spherical form. These are known as globular proteins (Figure 4.12b), and we shall see many examples of them. 

Their helical and pleated-sheet sections may also be organized so to carry the ends of the collection shut to each other in three dimensions. Globular proteins, unlike fibrous proteins, are water-soluble and have compact structures; their tertiary and quaternary buildings will also be quite complicated.


Secondary structures are based on periodic buildings of the peptide backbone.

The most not unusual secondary buildings are the α-helix and β-sheet.

Native proteins could have combos of more than a few secondary structures

Regions of secondary structures can also be mixed to form supersecondary constructions, motifs, and domains.

One of the most common buildings is the triple helix of collagen, the protein that makes up the bulk of connective tissue.

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