What Is A Narrow Span Of Control? - Answers

A narrow span of control provides better communication between managers and their employees and gives managers better control over their specific subordinates. Employees typically appreciate the chance to provide feedback to their manager, which is not as easy in a wide span of control.A narrow span of control provides better communication between managers and their employees and gives managers better control over their specific subordinates. Employees typically appreciate the chance to provide feedback to their manager, which is not as easy in a wide span of control.A narrow span of control may limit the ability of team members to exercise independence in decision-making and problem-solving processes. When a manager has a narrow span of control, the manager will be able to communicate quickly with the employees that he or she is supervising.Span of control and its effects is not something that's easily understood through numbers on the page. So, how can you bring it to life to see what's really going on? How do you make it visual and easy to think about? The questions we've found people most often want the answers are: How can I calculate...Narrow span of control is more expensive as compared to wide span of control as there are more number of superiors and therefore there are greater communication problems between various levels of management. Likewise, what is a narrow structure?

Advantages of Narrow Span of Control | Bizfluent

Span of Control is very simply the number of subordinates that report to a manager. Conversely, if managers within an organization have a smaller span of control this will create an organizational chart that is narrower and taller.Two types: 1. Narrow span of control/long chain of command/tall organisational structure 2. Wide span of control/short chain of command/flat organisational structure. WSOC - Wide Span Of Control. More skilled & experienced workers, WSOC is used due to less control needed.The Span of Control is the number of employees a manager can supervise as effectively as possible and influence the organisational structure. This article describes Span of Control in a practical way. After reading you will understand the basics of this powerful management and leadership theory.Likewise, too narrow a span of control can inhibit creativity an initiative (Doran et al, 2004). The relationship of group size and span of control has Therefore, the span of control is a way to define decision making in an organization and areas of decision making are bounded by a manager who has...

Advantages of Narrow Span of Control | Bizfluent

What are the advantages and disadvantages of a narrow span of...

A narrow span of control tends to give managers close control over operations and to facilitate fast communication between managers and employees. An argument for a narrow span of control was presented by V.A. Gaicunas, who developed a formula showing that an arithmetic increase in the...Narrow span of control - According to this span, the work and authority is divided amongst many subordinates and a manager doesn't supervises and control a very big A narrow span of control in a business means that there are more managers that supervise a smaller number of employees.Span of control—the number of employees managed by a single supervisor—varies from company to company, and also from team to team within the same company. Organizations and teams can possess either a wide or a narrow span of control, and each has its advantages and drawbacksWith a narrow span of control, she is able to communicate all of the frequent, rapid changes that are made to the product and guide her employees through executing these updates. Scoring question: Is the work that the role oversees standardized? 3. How much training will the manager need to provide...Estimating the Costs of Performance Evaluations. Narrow Span of Control. Average span of control. 8. Average time to complete one written review.

Photo via: Michael Brown

Span of control or span of management is a dimension of organizational design measured by the quantity of subordinates that report immediately to a given supervisor. This thought affects organization design in a wide range of tactics, including speed of verbal exchange go with the flow, worker motivation, reporting relationships, and administrative overhead. Span of management has been section of the ancient discussion regarding the most appropriate design and structure of organizations.


A small, or narrow, span of control ends up in each and every supervisor supervising a small quantity of employees, while a wide span of management happens when extra subordinates document immediately to a given manager. A small span of control would make it important to have extra managers and more layers of control to supervise the similar number of operative staff than would be important for a corporation using a much wider span of management. The narrower span of control would result in extra layers of control and slower communications between lower level employees and most sensible point managers of the firm. Recent moves to downsize organizations and to do away with useless positions has led to many organizations moving to wider spans of control and the removal of layers of middle-level managers.

An argument for a narrow span of control used to be presented by way of V.A. Gaicunas, who developed a system showing that an mathematics build up in the quantity of a supervisor's subordinates led to a geometrical build up in the number of subordinate relationships that a supervisor had to manage. According to Gaicunas, managers should set up not handiest one-to-one direct reporting relationships, but also relationships with quite a lot of groups of subordinates and the relationships that exist between and amongst person subordinates. The formula is proven underneath:

the place I is the overall quantity of interactions and N is the quantity of subordinates. Therefore, if a manager has two subordinates, there are 6 potential relationships to control. However, if the chief's subordinates are larger to a few, then the number of relationships is increased to 18. As the number of relationships larger, Gaicunas argued, the sheer quantity of interactions would exceed the skills of the chief.

Researchers typically argue that a small span of control and a "tall" group structure will be dearer to function because of the huge quantity of managers and it may have communique problems on account of the multiple levels of control. Such organizations are continuously noticed as smartly suited to a strong, positive sort of atmosphere. A "flat" group design ensuing from a much wider span of control will require managers to think extra administrative duties since the ones activities would be shared by means of fewer staff. It will also lead to extra employees reporting to each supervisor, increasing the managers' supervisory responsibilities. However, a little analysis additionally suggests the wider span of control may reason staff to really feel better ownership of their work and building up their motivation, morale, and productivity. This type of organization design is incessantly seen as effective in additional uncertain environments.


While early discussions of span of control continuously focused on pinpointing the optimum quantity of subordinates, a host of components may influence the span of control most appropriate for a given management position. Assuming that each one different aspects of a manager's process are the similar, these components would most probably regulate the span of control as follows:

Job complexity. Subordinate jobs which are complicated, ambiguous, dynamic or differently difficult will likely require more management involvement and a narrower span of management. Similarity of subordinate jobs. The extra equivalent and routine the duties that subordinates are acting, the easier it's for a supervisor to supervise employees and the wider the span of control that can most likely be effective. Physical proximity of subordinates. The more geographically dispersed a crew of subordinates the tougher it is for a supervisor to be in regular contact with them and the fewer workers a manager could fairly oversee, resulting in a narrower span of control. Abilities of workers. Managers who supervise staff that lack ability, motivation, or confidence will have to spend more time with every employee. The end result can be that the manager cannot supervise as many employees and can be most effective with a narrower span of control. Abilities of the manager. Some managers are higher organized, higher at explaining things to subordinates, and more efficient in appearing their jobs. Such managers can function successfully with a much broader span of management than a less professional manager. Technology. Cell phones, electronic mail, and different kinds of generation that facilitate communique and the trade of knowledge make it imaginable for managers to increase their spans of management over managers who shouldn't have access to or who're not able to use the technology.

The trend in recent years has been to move towards wider spans of control to scale back prices, pace determination making, build up flexibility and empower staff. However, to steer clear of possible problems of broad spans of control, organizations are having to put money into coaching managers and employees and in technology enabling the sharing of knowledge and adorning conversation between and amongst managers and workers.

Joe Thomas


Davison, Barbara. "Management Span of Control: How Wide Is Too Wide?" Journal of Business Strategy. 24 (2003): 22–29.

Griffin, Ricky. Management. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 2005.

Hitt, Michael, J.S. Black, and Lyman, Porter. Management. Upper Saddle River: Pearson/Prentice Hall, 2005.

Klein, E.E. "Using Information Technology To Eliminate Layers Of Bureaucracy." National Public Accountant. 23 (2001): 46–48.

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